Give your garden some love

You can now pick up a free bag of used coffee grounds from our branches to use in your garden- add them to your compost heap or work directly into the soil. 

Used coffee grounds can be a game-changer for your garden, providing various benefits to help plants thrive. Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, which can help plants thrive, improve soil structure and aid water retention. 

Used coffee grounds can be a game-changer for your garden, providing various benefits to help plants thrive

Here's why your garden will love this aromatic and caffeinated addition:

Here's why your garden will love this aromatic and caffeinated addition:

1. Nutrient-Rich Fertiliser

Used coffee grounds contain essential nutrients that plants crave, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These nutrients support healthy plant growth, improve soil structure, and enhance the overall fertility of your garden soil. As the grounds decompose, they release these nutrients slowly, ensuring a steady supply for your plants.

2. Soil Conditioning

Coffee grounds improve soil texture by increasing its organic matter content. This results in better water retention and drainage, creating an optimal environment for plant roots. Additionally, coffee grounds can help to balance soil pH levels, especially in acidic soil conditions, promoting healthier plant development.

Coffee grounds improve soil texture by increasing its organic matter content

Adding coffee grounds to your compost pile can accelerate the composting process

3. Pest Repellent

Used coffee grounds can act as a natural pest deterrent. Their pungent aroma helps to repel unwanted garden visitors such as slugs, snails, and ants. Sprinkle the grounds around the base of your plants to create a barrier that these pests will avoid.

4. Compost Booster

Adding coffee grounds to your compost pile can accelerate the composting process. The grounds are considered a "green" compost material, meaning they are rich in nitrogen, which is essential for decomposing organic matter. Mixing coffee grounds with "brown" materials like leaves and paper helps create a balanced compost that enriches your garden soil.

Used coffee grounds can act as a natural pest deterrent

Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, which can help plants thrive, improve soil structure and aid water retention

5. Beneficial Microorganisms

Coffee grounds attract earthworms and beneficial microorganisms to your garden. Earthworms help aerate the soil and improve its structure, while microorganisms break down organic matter, making nutrients more accessible to plants. This action creates a vibrant and healthy ecosystem in your garden.

6. Mulching Magic

Used coffee grounds can be used as mulch to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture. Spread a thin layer of coffee grounds over the soil surface, taking care not to compact them too tightly. This mulch layer helps to keep the soil cool and moist, reducing the need for frequent watering.


How to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden

  • Direct Application: Sprinkle used coffee grounds around your plants, but avoid creating thick layers that can compact and hinder water penetration.

  • Composting: Add coffee grounds to your compost bin, balancing them with carbon-rich materials.

  • Mulching: Use a thin layer of coffee grounds as mulch around your plants.

  • Soil Amendment: Mix coffee grounds into the soil to improve its structure and nutrient content.

TOAST Used Coffee Grounds

By incorporating used coffee grounds into your garden, you not only help us reduce waste but also boost its health and productivity. We're committed to ensuring that nothing goes to waste or ends up in landfills. All the coffee beans brewed and used at all our branches are repurposed into new initiatives, like this one. 

We also supply used coffee grounds to artisan flower grower The Floral Harvest in Sudbury, who grow organic flowers and beautiful blooms. 

So, the next time you sip and savour a coffee at TOAST, the coffee beans used to craft your drink could be just the secret ingredient your garden needs!


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