World Environment Day

On the 5th of June every year, people around the globe come together to celebrate World Environment Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness and taking action on urgent environmental issues.

In recent years, one particular concern has gained significant traction: climate change. The impact of human activities on the planet has sparked growing concerns among individuals from all walks of life.

As a nation, over 74% of adults in Great Britain aged 16 years or over said that they’re very (or somewhat) worried about climate change (source: Office for National Statistics), and it’s a perspective that’s shared by other countries all around the globe.

The Paris Agreement, signed by nearly 200 countries, is an agreement that aims to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius and encourages countries to strive for even more ambitious targets.

Climate change is no longer an abstract concept confined to scientific circles or blockbuster films like "The Day After Tomorrow" (2004), but has become a mainstream issue that impacts everyone. Helping to tackle climate change and environmental issues is something we can all do together to help turn the tide.

As a business, we’re there with you, making changes that add up to impact. We’re choosing to do the right thing, rather than the "done" thing.

To make your TOAST experience as sustainable (and amazing) as possible, we:

  • Send Nothing to Landfill:
    Absolutely nothing from our coffee houses goes to landfill. Not even a crumb. Over 85% of our waste is recycled, with the remaining 15% turned into RDF (Refused Derived Fuel) energy, which is fed back into the National Grid.

  • Use Plant Power:
    We’ve teamed up with @thefloralharvest to give our used coffee grounds a second life. This precious resource is recycled into plant power, becoming fertilizer that feeds and nourishes the soil, enabling plants to grow and thrive.

  • Prevent Wastage:
    We make everything to order or fresh on the day to reduce wastage. You’ll also find us on the food app Too Good to Go, rehoming cakes and sweet treats that are near their use-by date but are still good to eat.

  • Use Compostable Takeaway Cups:
    Made from sustainably sourced cardboard, our takeaway paper cups are compostable and designed to biodegrade after use.

  • Promote 100% Recyclability:
    Our takeaway toastie boxes are made from 100% recycled cardboard, and we use recycled plastic for all our cold cups.

  • Champion Reusability:
    From using ceramic mugs for "savouring in-store" drinking to reusable 'keep' cups, we have all the reusable options.

World Environment Day serves as an annual reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve the planet, this big blue ball that we all call home. It is an event to reflect on the environmental challenges we all face and to act towards a sustainable future.

It also reminds us of what our mission is, which is for our customers to have a cup of great-tasting, award-winning coffee that doesn’t cost the earth. ☕


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Cloudy Lemonade Cooler